International Medical College


HomeGeneral Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions


§ 1 Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all services provided within the university based platforms of the International Medical College of the University of Duisburg-Essen and to all contracts concluded between MIB GmbH, Gartenstraße 21, 48147 Muenster, Germany, and its customers (participants).

§ 2 Co-operative duty of participants to ensure appropriate technical standards

Participants must have the appropriate technical requirements of the software and hardware (e.g. sufficiently fast Internet connection, browser, etc.). They undertake to store login data carefully, not to pass them on to third parties and to protect them from unauthorised access.

§ 3 Terms of use for interactive discussion forums of the university based platforms of the IMC

Like any other user of interactive devices (forums) of the university based platforms of the IMC, participants must neither enter insulting, defamatory, threatening, racist or other unlawful statements, nor other contents nor provide links to such contents. Like any other user, participants are obliged to abide by existing law (e.g. criminal law, trademark law, intellectual property law, law against unfair competition). If unlawful contents are entered, the host reserves the right to ban or delete such contents. Furthermore, in such cases criminal or civil prosecution may be pursued.

§ 4 Obligations of participants regarding protection of their hardware

Users of the university based platforms of the IMC are obliged to ensure appropriate technical security measures for their own protection against viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or any other programmes that could damage their data or hardware.

§ 5 Copyright of study material

The copyright of the study material remains with the organiser. Participants are entitled to use the study material for their private purposes. Using the study material for commercial purposes is prohibited.

§ 6 Information on the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the content displayed on the university based platforms of the IMC

The completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the content displayed on the university based platforms of the IMC cannot be guaranteed despite diligent review. Any liability of the organiser is thus excluded regarding any damage possibly resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the university based platforms or the information contained therein, as long as neither willful misconduct nor gross negligence committed by the organiser can be proven. The use of the information contained on the university based platforms particularly does not release the user from the doctor`s duty to take due care. If a participant commits a negligent act, he or she is liable to the respective extent for consequences and disadvantages caused to the organiser or a third party when he or she uses the information displayed on the university based platforms in an improper or unlawful manner. The same applies if the participant violates his or her obligations.

§ 7 Liability regarding external links

The organiser expressly distances itself from the contents of all third-party sites for which it has provided links or cross-references and disclaims responsibility for all such third-party sites and their contents.

§ 8 Court of jurisdiction

Applicable law:
The contractual relationship shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. 48143 Münster, Germany, is agreed as the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the services and contracts within the framework of the university based platforms of the IMC.

§ 9 Revocation

The participants have a statutory right of revocation. They have the right to revoke this contract without giving reasons. The revocation period is 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. In order to exercise the right of revocation, they must inform us by means of a clear declaration (e-mail, fax, telephone). In order to comply with the time limit, it is sufficient if they send the notification of the exercise of the right of objection before the end of the time limit. If they revoke the contract, we will refund all payments within 14 days.

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