International Medical College





The International Medical College (IMC) of MIB GmbH as a digital college at the University of Duisburg-Essen has been performing postgraduate international master's programs since 2003. With the new ORO FACIAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTER (OREC), the IMC is expanded to include an area for permanent, structured, international advanced training.

The proven blended learning concept enables part time training and further education as well as international know-how transfer and exchange. Due to the convincing overall concept of technology, didactics, support, personal contact and exchange, and especially due to the high qualification of the teachers, this blended learning concept is widely accepted. This is shown on the one hand by the extremely positive evaluations of more than 1,200 graduates from over 40 countries, and on the other hand by selected collaborations with outstanding universities in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

By integrating cloud applications, case-based learning with live online discussions, integrating the latest knowledge of teaching and learning theories and didactics, telemedical applications and collegial communication services, the OREC platform opens up a variety of training and communication options and guarantees an evidence-based and academic background .

The IMC and the OREC see themselves as an innovative and visionary blended learning overall concept of academic and practice-oriented oral medicine further training and thus represent the interface between the professionally oriented chamber and the university with an international expansion.

International Medical College | © IMC 2019 all rights reserved